3.5/5 Action Comedy Crime Drama Family Hindi Politic Pop-Corn Movie Psychological Remake Romance Socio-cultural The Jose Movie Review Thriller The Jose Movie Review Jai Ho 10.52
3.5/5 Action Adventure Blockbuster Box Office Crime Espionage Franchise Hollywood Investigation Pop-Corn Movie Reboot The Jose Movie Review Thriller The Jose Movie Review Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit 01.44
4.5/5 Based on a True Event Based on Book Biography Comedy Crime Drama Oscar 2014 Stock The Jose Movie Review The Jose Movie Review The Wolf of Wall Street 01.39
4/5 Artistic Based on a True Event Comedy Crime Dialog-driven Drama Gangster Hollywood Investigation Oscar 2014 The Jose Movie Review The Jose Movie Review American Hustle 23.58
4/5 Based on Book Comedy Dance Drama Family Horror Indonesia Kids Omnibus Psychological Socio-cultural The Jose Movie Review The Jose Movie Review Princess, Bajak Laut, dan Alien 20.53