2.5/5 Dance Drama Franchise Musical pop Pop-Corn Movie Rivalry Romance Teen The Jose Movie Review The Jose Movie Review Step Up All In 23.12
3.5/5 Arthouse Awards winner Dialog-driven Drama Festival Indonesia Marriage Panoramic Psychological Road Trip Sex Socio-cultural The Jose Movie Review The Jose Movie Review Vakansi yang Janggal dan Penyakit Lainnya(Peculiar Vacation and Other Illnesses) 22.29
4/5 Action Adventure Based on Book Blockbuster Box Office Disaster Fantasy Franchise health issue Hollywood Humanity Oscar 2015 SciFi Socio-cultural Summer Movie The Jose Movie Review War The Jose Movie Review Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 11.53
3.5/5 3D Action Adventure Based on TV show Blockbuster Box Office Disaster Fantasy Franchise Hollywood Pop-Corn Movie Robot SciFi Summer Movie The Jose Movie Review The Jose Movie Review Transformers: Age of Extinction 11.17